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Fountain of Wayne Out of State Plates: The Smirky and Fun Album That Followed Their Commercial Break


Mauna Loa, "long or high mountain" occupies a largeportion of the central and southern part of the island ofHawaii, and reaches an elevation of 13,760 feet. It hasbeen built up by lavas thrown out in a highly fluid state, andflowing long distances before cooling; as a consequence theslopes of the mountain are very gentle, averaging, accordingto Prof. Dana, not more than six and a half degrees.Its craters are numerous, and usually occur near the summitand on the sides, new ones opening frequently, andfurnishing, as in the latest instance, magnificent lavastreams. The terminal crater is circular, 8,000 feet in diameter,and in 1864 was about 1,000 feet deep. In 1859 anenormous lava fountain spouted from this crater for four orfive days, throwing a column of white hot fluid lava about200 feet in diameter to the height of two or three hundredfeet. The lava stream ran 50 miles to the sea in eight days.Other great eruptions have occurred in 1832, 1840, 1843,1852, 1855, 1868 and 1873. The lava streams poured out in1840, 1859, and 1868, flowed to the sea, adding considerablyto the area of the island. Those of 1843 and 1855 areestimated to have poured out respectively 17,000,000,000and 38,000,000,000 cubic feet of lava. In 1868 the lavastream forced its way under ground a distance of twentymiles, and burst forth from a fissure two miles long, throwingup enormous columns of crimson lava and red hot rockto the height of five or six hundred feet.

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